Conference talk slides and video recordings
November 27, 2014Data visualization with R at the Big Data Challenge of Telecom Italia
presented in English for 20 mins at Budapest BI Forum (Budapest, Hungary) -
November 26, 2014
July 24, 2014Adatvizualizáció R-ben
presented in Hungarian for 15 mins at Clementine Consulting (Budapest, Hungary) -
July 3, 2014rapport: a report templating system in R
presented in English for 18 mins at useR! (Los Angeles, USA) -
July 1, 2014
June 27, 2014The relationship between spatial focusing and migration intensity – Hungarian county level evidence
presented in English at European Population Conference (Budapest, Hungary) -
June 5, 2014Creating statistical reports in the past, present and future
presented in English for 30 mins at IDC Data Hub (Vienna, Austria) -
May 21, 2014A térbeli mobilitás elemzésének optimalizálása R-ben
presented in Hungarian for 1 hour at BURN (Budapest, Hungary) -
May 8, 2014Using R for the Big Data Challenge of Telecom Italia
presented in English for 20 mins at Big Data Meetup (Budapest, Hungary) -
April 13, 2014Transforming R objects to Pandoc’s markdown
presented in English for 5 mins at BURN (Budapest, Hungary)