All functions |
Raw access to the boto3 module imported at package load time |
boto3 version |
The default, fork-safe Boto3 session |
Creates an initial or reinitialize an already existing AWS client or resource cached in the package's namespace |
Check if an argument looks like an S3 bucket |
The default, fork-safe IAM client on the top of |
Retrieves information about the specified IAM user, including the user's creation date, path, unique ID, and ARN |
Get the current AWS username |
The default, fork-safe Kinesis client on the top of |
Describes the specified Kinesis data stream |
Gets data records from a Kinesis data stream's shard |
Gets an Amazon Kinesis shard iterator |
Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis data stream |
The default, fork-safe KMS client on the top of |
Decrypt cipher into plain text via KMS |
Decrypt file via KMS |
Encrypt plain text via KMS |
Encrypt file via KMS |
Generate a data encryption key for envelope encryption via KMS |
Guess the type of a file based on the filename using |
The default, fork-safe Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) client on the top of |
Copy an object from one S3 location to another |
Delete an object stored in S3 |
Download a file from S3 |
Checks if an object exists in S3 |
List all S3 buckets |
List objects at an S3 path |
Create an S3 Object reference from an URI |
Sets tags on s3 object overwriting all existing tags. Note: tags and metadata tags are not the same |
Download and read a file from S3, then clean up |
Upload a file to S3 |
Write an R object into S3 |
The default, fork-safe AWS Systems Manager (SecretManager) client on the top of |
Read AWS System Manager's Secrets Manager via Secret Manager |
The default, fork-safe AWS Systems Manager (SSM) client on the top of |
Read AWS System Manager's Parameter Store |
Returns details about the IAM user or role whose credentials are used to call the operation |