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dummy slide

Personalizing drug doses
in the cloud using R

Gergely Daróczi

Co-founder, CTO
Rx Studio Inc.

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ pwd

$ lsb_release

Source: When the senior developer takes a look at my code

$ lsb_release

Source: When my co-worker wants to simplify code
that took two days to understand

> Sys.getenv(country = ‘USA’)

Source: The Use of Medicines in the U.S. 2023 (IQVIA)

> Sys.getenv(country = ‘USA’)

> Sys.getenv(country = ‘USA’)

The estimated annual cost of prescription drug–related morbidity and mortality resulting from nonoptimized medication therapy was $528.4 billion in 2016 US dollars. Watanabe et al, 2018 (

> Sys.getenv(country = ‘USA’)

If medications were prescribed, monitored and taken properly,
we wouldn’t face this cost, and patients would be healthier. Watanabe et al, 2018 (

> ??properly

> ??properly

> demo(‘’)

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

Source: Mortensen et al (2008): Introduction to PK/PD modelling.

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

Source: Mortensen et al (2008): Introduction to PK/PD modelling.

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

Source: Mortensen et al (2008): Introduction to PK/PD modelling.

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

Source: Mortensen et al (2008): Introduction to PK/PD modelling.

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

Source: Spherical cow

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)


  • \(C\) drug concentration
  • \(A\) drug amount
  • \(V\) volume of distribution

Example: 500 mg Panadol (\(Vd = 0.9L/kg\)) administered for a 70 kg patient

\[C=\frac{500mg}{70kg * 0.9L/kg}=\frac{500mg}{63L}=7.9 mg/L\]

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

\[C_{oral}(t)=\frac{A_{oral}(t)}{V}=\frac{K_aFA_0}{V(K_a-K)}(exp(-K \cdot t) - exp(-K_a \cdot t))\]

  • \(C\) drug concentration
  • \(A\) drug amount
  • \(V\) volume of distribution
  • \(K_a\) absorption constant
  • \(K\) elimination rate
  • \(F\) bioavailability

> vignette(topic = ‘PK/PD models’)

\[C_{oral}(t)=\frac{A_{oral}(t)}{V}=\frac{K_aFA_0}{V(K_a-K)}(exp(-K \cdot t) - exp(-K_a \cdot t))\]

#' Concentration at a time computed using a one-compartment model (oral dose)
#' @param t time (hours)
#' @param dose dose amount (mg)
#' @param v volume of distribution (l)
#' @param k elimination rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param ka absorption rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param f bioavailability
#' @return numeric
#' @export
ct <- function(t, dose, v, k, ka, f) {
    (ka * f * dose) / (v * (ka - k)) * (exp(-k * t) - exp(-ka * t))

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

Source: Rawlins et al. (1977): Paracetamol (simplified)

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

Source: Rawlins et al. (1977): Paracetamol (simplified)

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

#' Concentration at a time computed using a one-compartment model (oral dose)
#' @param t time (hours)
#' @param dose dose amount (mg)
#' @param v volume of distribution (l)
#' @param k elimination rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param ka absorption rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param f bioavailability
#' @return numeric
#' @export
ct <- function(t, dose, v, k, ka, f) {
    (ka * f * dose) / (v * (ka - k)) * (exp(-k * t) - exp(-ka * t))
ctp <- purrr::partial(ct, v = 42, k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89) # 70 kgs adult
> ctp(t = 1, dose = 1000)
[1] 14.81762

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

#' Concentration at a time computed using a one-compartment model (oral dose)
#' @param t time (hours)
#' @param dose dose amount (mg)
#' @param v volume of distribution (l)
#' @param k elimination rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param ka absorption rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param f bioavailability
#' @return numeric
#' @export
ct <- function(t, dose, v, k, ka, f) {
    (ka * f * dose) / (v * (ka - k)) * (exp(-k * t) - exp(-ka * t))
ctp <- purrr::partial(ct, v = 42, k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89) # 70 kgs adult
> ctp(t = 1, dose = 1000)
[1] 14.81762
> ctp(t = 2, dose = 1000)
[1] 13.64825

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

#' Concentration at a time computed using a one-compartment model (oral dose)
#' @param t time (hours)
#' @param dose dose amount (mg)
#' @param v volume of distribution (l)
#' @param k elimination rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param ka absorption rate constant (h^-1)
#' @param f bioavailability
#' @return numeric
#' @export
ct <- function(t, dose, v, k, ka, f) {
    (ka * f * dose) / (v * (ka - k)) * (exp(-k * t) - exp(-ka * t))
ctp <- purrr::partial(ct, v = 42, k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89) # 70 kgs adult
> ctp(t = 1, dose = 1000)
[1] 14.81762
> ctp(t = 2, dose = 1000)
[1] 13.64825
> ctp(t = 6, dose = 1000)
[1] 4.676354

> example(topic = ‘paracetamol’)

library(data.table); library(ggplot2)
conc <- data.table(h = seq(0, 24, by = 0.1))
conc[, c := ctp(h, 1000)]
ggplot(conc, aes(h, c)) + geom_line()

>, weights)

ctp <- function(t, dose, weight, k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89) {
    ct(t, dose, v = weight * 0.6, k, ka, f)
conc[, c1 := ctp(h, 1000, weight =  40)]
conc[, c2 := ctp(h, 1000, weight =  60)]
conc[, c3 := ctp(h, 1000, weight =  80)]
conc[, c4 := ctp(h, 1000, weight = 100)]
ggplot(melt(conc, id.vars = 'h'), aes(h, value, color = variable)) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_color_discrete(name = 'Weight',
                         labels = c('40 kg', '60 kg', '80 kg', '100kg')) +
    ylab('Blood concentration forecast') +
    theme(legend.position = 'top') +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 10, color = 'black', linetype = 2, size = 1.25) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 20, color = 'black', linetype = 2, size = 1.25)

>, weights)

>, family)

An anonymized family:

  • GD (96 kg male): 1 pill of Panadol (500 mg)
  • HD (64 kg female): 1 pill of Panadol (500 mg)
  • BD (41 kg male): 1 pill of Panadol (500 mg)
  • BD (23 kg female): half pill of Panadol (250 mg)
  • BD (13 kg female): 7-85ml Panadol baby (120 mg)

Therapeutic goals for paracetamol:

  • sub-therapeutic range: < 10 mg/L concentrations
  • therapeutic range: ≥ 10 and ≤ 20 mg/L concentrations
  • toxic: > 75 mg/L concentrations

>, family)

conc[, c1 := ctp(h, 500, weight = 96)]
conc[, c2 := ctp(h, 500, weight = 64)]
conc[, c3 := ctp(h, 500, weight = 41)]
conc[, c4 := ctp(h, 250, weight = 23)]
conc[, c5 := ctp(h, 120, weight = 13)]
ggplot(melt(conc, id.vars = 'h'), aes(h, value, color = variable)) + geom_line() +
    scale_color_discrete(name = 'Weight', labels = c('DG', 'DH', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB')) +
    theme(legend.position = 'top') +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 10, color = 'black', linetype = 2, size = 1.25)

>, family)

>, family, ndoses = 4)

\[C_{MD}(t)=\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} C_{oral}(t-nτ)\]

  • \(N\) number of doses
  • \(τ\) dosing interval

Source: Mortensen et al (2008): Introduction to PK/PD modelling.

ctpm <- function(t, doses, interval, dose, weight) {
    sum(sapply(0:(doses-1), function(n) ctp(t - n*interval, dose, weight)))

>, family, ndoses = 4)

ctpm <- function(t, doses, interval, dose, weight) {
    sum(sapply(0:(doses-1), function(n) ctp(t - n*interval, dose, weight)))

conc <- data.table(h = seq(0, 24, by = 0.1))
conc[, doses := pmin(h %/% 4, 3) + 1]
conc[, c1 := ctpm(h, doses, 4, 500, weight =  96), by = .(h, doses)]
conc[, c2 := ctpm(h, doses, 4, 500, weight =  64), by = .(h, doses)]
conc[, c3 := ctpm(h, doses, 4, 500, weight =  41), by = .(h, doses)]
conc[, c4 := ctpm(h, doses, 4, 250, weight =  23), by = .(h, doses)]
conc[, c5 := ctpm(h, doses, 4, 120, weight =  13), by = .(h, doses)]

ggplot(melt(conc[, -'doses'], id.vars = 'h'), aes(h, value, color = variable)) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_color_discrete(name = 'Weight', labels = c('DG', 'DH', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB')) +
    theme(legend.position = 'top') +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 10, color = 'black', linetype = 2, size = 1.25) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 20, color = 'black', linetype = 2, size = 1.25)

>, family, ndoses = 4)

> sd(, rlnorm(2000)))

Source: Rawlins et al. (1977): Paracetamol (simplified)

> sd(, rlnorm(2000)))

weight <- 70
meanlog <- log((weight * 0.6)^2 / sqrt(0.07^2 + (weight * 0.6)^2))
sdlog <- sqrt(log(1 + (0.07^2 / (weight * 0.6)^2)))
ggplot(data.frame(x = rlnorm(n = 2000L, meanlog, sdlog))) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x)) +
    ggtitle('Volume of distribution for 70 kg') + xlab('')

> sd(, rlnorm(2000)))

for (i in 1:250) {
   meanlog <- log((weight * 0.6)^2 / sqrt(0.07^2 + (weight * 0.6)^2))
   sdlog <- sqrt(log(1 + (0.07^2 / (weight * 0.6)^2)))
   conc <- copy(conc)[, c := ct(h, 1000, v = rlnorm(n = 1L, meanlog, sdlog),
                                k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89)]
   (G <- G + geom_line(data = conc, color = 'gray', alpha = 0.1))
G + geom_line(color = 'black') + ggtitle('250 simulations')

> sd(, rlnorm(2000)))

simdata <- rbindlist(lapply(1:2000, function(i) {
    meanlog <- log((weight * 0.6)^2 / sqrt(0.07^2 + (weight * 0.6)^2))
    sdlog <- sqrt(log(1 + (0.07^2 / (weight * 0.6)^2))) * 5
        ct(seq(0, 24, by = 0.1), 1000, v = rlnorm(n = 1L, meanlog, sdlog),
           k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89),
        nrow = 1))

simagg <- data.frame(
    h = seq(0, 24, by = 0.1),
    min = apply(simdata, 2, FUN = min),
    mean = apply(simdata, 2, FUN = mean),
    max = apply(simdata, 2, FUN = max))

ggplot(simagg, aes(h)) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=min, ymax=max), fill = 'gray') +
    geom_line(aes(y = mean)) +
    ylab('Blood concentration forecast') +
    theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top')

> sd(, rlnorm(2000)))

> fit(ctp, data.frame(conc = 5))

> fit(ctp, data.frame(conc = 5))


concentrations <- data.table(x = 5, y = 5)
model_function <- function(params, x) {
    ct(x, dose = 1000, v = params['v'], k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89)
cost_function <- function(params) {
    out <- model_function(params, concentrations$x)
    concentrations$y - out

bay <- modFit(f = cost_function, p = c(v = weight * 0.6), method = 'Newton')
bayc <- copy(conc)[, c := ct(seq(0, 24, by = 0.1), 1000, v = bay$par[['v']],
           k = 0.28, ka = 1.8, f = 0.89)]

ggplot(simagg, aes(h)) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=min, ymax=max), fill = 'gray') +
    geom_line(aes(y = mean)) +
    geom_point(aes(x=5, y=5), color = 'orange', size = 3) +
    geom_line(data = bayc, aes(y = c), color = 'orange') +
    ylab('Blood concentration forecast') +
    theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top')

> fit(ctp, data.frame(conc = 5))

> 0.60 * 70
[1] 42
> bay$par[['v']]
[1] 51.954

> fit(ctp, data.frame(conc = 5))

> fit(ctp, data.frame(conc = 5))

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

> library(chatgpt)

placeholder as cannot finish with an image