Things Logged

Gergely Daróczi


dummy slide

$ whoami

$ whoami

$ whoami

Welcome to prod!

What is “production”?

  • 2006: calling R scripts from PHP (both reading from MySQL) to generate custom plots on surveys in a homepage for interactive use
  • 2008: automated/batch R scripts to generate thousands of pages of crosstables, ANOVA and plots from SPSS with pdflatex
  • 2011: web application combining Ruby on Rails, pandoc and RApache providing reports in plain English for survey analysis (NoSQL databases, vertical scaling, security, central error tracking etc)
  • 2012: plain RApache web application for NLP and network analysis
  • 2015: standardizing the data infrastructure of a fintech startup to use R both in bath jobs and stream processing (ETL, reporting, fraud detection, daily operations, customer communication etc)
  • 2017: redesign, monitor and scale the DS infrastructure of an adtech startup for batch training and live scoring

What is “production”?

Using in R in a non-interactive way:

  • R scripts are scheduled to run without manual intervention (eg CRON or upstream job trigger, API request)
  • need for a standard, eg containerized environment (eg R and package versions, OS packages, .Rprofile etc)
  • security! (safeguarded production environment, SQL injection, AppArmor, encrypted credentials etc)
  • the output of the jobs are recorded and monitored (eg error handler for ErrBit, CloudWatch logs or Splunk etc), alerts and notifications
  • if an error occurs, usually there is no other way to figure out what happened then looking at the recorded job output, so better log than sorry


What has just happened?

$ Rscript super_important_business_stuff.R
Error in l[[x]] : subscript out of bounds
Calls: g -> f
Execution halted
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : subscript out of bounds
Execution halted

Poor man’s progress bar

for (i in 1:100) {
    ## do something slow
N <- 42
for (i in 1:N) {
    ## do something slow
        Sys.time(), '|',
        i, 'out of', N,
        '=', round(i / N * 100), '%'))

Poor man’s progress bar

[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:34 | 1 out of 42 = 2 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:35 | 2 out of 42 = 5 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:35 | 3 out of 42 = 7 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:36 | 4 out of 42 = 10 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:36 | 5 out of 42 = 12 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 6 out of 42 = 14 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 7 out of 42 = 17 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 8 out of 42 = 19 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 9 out of 42 = 21 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:39 | 10 out of 42 = 24 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:39 | 11 out of 42 = 26 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:40 | 12 out of 42 = 29 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:40 | 13 out of 42 = 31 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:41 | 14 out of 42 = 33 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:41 | 15 out of 42 = 36 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:42 | 16 out of 42 = 38 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:42 | 17 out of 42 = 40 %"
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : subscript out of bounds
Execution halted

Logging progress to file

sink('/var/log/foobar.log', append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
N <- 42
for (i in 1:N) {
    ## do something slow
    print(paste(Sys.time(), '|', i, 'out of', N, '=', round(i / N * 100), '%'))
logfile <- '/var/log/foobar.log'
for (i in 1:N) {
    ## do something slow
       paste(Sys.time(), '|', i, 'out of', N, '=', round(i / N * 100), '%'),
       file = logfile, append = TRUE)
log <- function(message, logfile = '/var/log/foobar.log') {
    cat(paste(Sys.time(), '|', message),
        file = logfile, append = TRUE)

Failing to log to file

mclapply(1:N, function(n) {
    ## do something slow
    log(paste(i, 'out of', N, '=', round(i / N * 100), '%'))
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:34 | 1 out of 42 = 2 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:35 | 2 out of 42 = 5 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:39 | 10 out of 42 = 24 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:35 | 3 out of 42 = 7 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:39 | 11 out of 42 = 26 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:36 | 4 out of 42 = 10 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 7 out of 42 = 17 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 8 out of 42 = 19 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:40 | 12 out of 42 = 29 %"[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:36 | 5 out of 42 = 12 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 16 out of 42 = 19 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 13 out of 42 = 31 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 19 out of 42 = 45 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 22 out of 42 = 52 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 28 out of 42 = 67 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 21 out of 42 = 50 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:37 | 26 out of 42 = 62 %"
[1] "2019-09-15 00:05:38 | 24 out of 42 = 57 %"
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : subscript out of bounds
Execution halted

Other logging packages

Source: When my co-worker wants to simplify code …

Logging packages on CRAN

> library(data.table)
> packages <- data.table(available.packages())
> ## avoid analog, logit, (archeo|bio|genea|hydro|topo|...)logy
> packages[grepl('(?<!ana)log(?![it|y])', Package, perl = TRUE), Package]

 [1] "adjustedcranlogs"     "bayesloglin"          "blogdown"
 [4] "CommunityCorrelogram" "cranlogs"             "efflog"
 [7] "eMLEloglin"           "futile.logger"        "gemlog"
[10] "gglogo"               "ggseqlogo"            "homologene"
[13] "lifelogr"             "log4r"                "logbin"
[16] "logconcens"           "logcondens"           "logcondens.mode"
[19] "logcondiscr"          "logger"               "logging"
[22] "loggit"               "loggle"               "logKDE"
[25] "loglognorm"           "logmult"              "lognorm"
[28] "logNormReg"           "logOfGamma"           "logspline"
[31] "lolog"                "luzlogr"              "md.log"
[34] "mdir.logrank"         "mpmcorrelogram"       "PhylogeneticEM"
[37] "phylogram"            "plogr"                "poilog"
[40] "rChoiceDialogs"       "reactlog"             "rmetalog"
[43] "robustloggamma"       "rsyslog"              "shinylogs"
[46] "ssrm.logmer"          "svDialogs"            "svDialogstcltk"
[49] "tabulog"              "tidylog"              "wavScalogram"

logger: a lightweight, modern and flexible logging utility for R

log_info('Script starting up...')
#> INFO [2019-04-04 04:25:17] Script starting up...
log_info('The mtcars dataset has {nrow(mtcars)} rows!')
#> INFO [2019-04-04 04:25:17] The mtcars dataset has 32 rows!
log_info('Hello, {name}!', name = 'world')
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:58:13] Hello, world!

logger: a collectiong of helper functions for logging

log_eval(nrow(mtcars), level = TRACE)
#> TRACE [2019-04-04 04:25:17] 'nrow(mtcars)' => '32L'
chisq.test(table(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am))
#> WARN [2020-01-27 12:32:04] Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#>  Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data:  table(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am)
#> X-squared = 20.945, df = 2, p-value = 2.831e-05
#> Warning message:
#> In chisq.test(table(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am)) :
#>   Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect

logger: ready for production

cat demo.R

pkgs <- available.packages()
log_info('There are {nrow(pkgs)} R packages hosted on CRAN!')
for (letter in letters) {
    lpkgs <- sum(grepl(letter, pkgs[, 'Package'], = TRUE))
    log_level(if (lpkgs < 5000) TRACE else DEBUG,
              '{lpkgs} R packages including the {shQuote(letter)} letter')

Rscript demo.R

INFO [2018-11-20 22:49:37] There are 13433 R packages hosted on CRAN!
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 6300 R packages including the 'a' letter
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 6772 R packages including the 'e' letter
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 5412 R packages including the 'i' letter
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 7014 R packages including the 'r' letter
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 6402 R packages including the 's' letter
DEBUG [2018-11-20 22:49:38] 5864 R packages including the 't' letter

Colorized output

log_info('Starting the script...')
log_debug('This is the second log line')
log_trace('Note that the 2nd line is being placed right after the 1st one.')
log_success('Doing pretty well so far!')
log_warn('But beware, as some errors might come :/')
log_error('This is a problem')
log_debug('Note that getting an error is usually bad')
log_error('This is another problem')
log_fatal('The last problem')

The Anatomy of a Log Request

The Anatomy of a Log Request

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
name <- 'world'
log_info('Hello, {name}!')
#> INFO [2020-01-27 17:45:26] Hello, world!

Log Levels

#> [1] 400
#> attr(,"level")
#> [1] "INFO"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "loglevel" "integer"

#> [1] 600
#> attr(,"level")
#> [1] "TRACE"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "loglevel" "integer"
#> [1] TRUE

log_trace('Hello, {name}!')
log_info('Hello, {name}!')
#> INFO [2019-09-18 00:05:32] Hello, world!

#> log_info('Hello, {name}!')

Log Message Formatters

formatter_glue('Hello, {name}!')
#> [1] "Hello, world!"
formatter_sprintf('Hello, %s!', name)
#> [1] "Hello, world!"
  • formatter_paste
  • formatter_sprintf
  • formatter_glue
  • formatter_glue_or_sprintf
  • formatter_logging

Log Record Layout

layout_simple(level = INFO, msg = 'Hello, world!')
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-18 00:16:34] Hello, world"
example_layout <- layout_glue_generator(
    format = '{node}/{pid}/{ns}/{ans}/{topenv}/{fn} {time} {level}: {msg}')
example_layout(INFO, 'Hello, world!')
#> nevermind/3601/NA/global/R_GlobalEnv/NULL 2019-09-18 00:18:11 INFO: Hello, world!
logger.tester::logger_info_tester_function('Hello, world!')
#> nevermind/3601/logger.tester/global/logger.tester/logger.tester::logger_info_tester_function 2019-09-18 00:25:15 INFO: Hello, world! 42
layout_json()(level = INFO, msg = 'Hello, world!')
#> {"time":"2019-09-18 00:19:34","level":"INFO","ns":null,"ans":"global",
#>  "topenv":"R_GlobalEnv","fn":"cat","node":"nevermind","arch":"x86_64",
#>  "os_name":"Linux","os_release":"4.15.0-20-generic",
#>  "os_version":"#21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 06:16:15 UTC 2018",
#>  "pid":3601,"user":"daroczig","msg":"Hello, world!"}

Log Record Destination

  • appender_console / appender_stderr
  • appender_stdout
  • appender_file (basic log rotating coming soon)
  • appender_tee
  • appender_slack
  • appender_telegram
  • appender_pushbullet
  • appender_syslog
  • appender_kinesis
  • appender_insert (DB insert via dbr coming soon)
  • appender_async

Async Log Record Destinations: Why?

appender_file_slow <- function(file) {
    function(lines) {
        cat(lines, sep = '\n', file = file, append = TRUE)
system.time(for (i in 1:25) log_info(i))
#>    user  system elapsed
#>   0.057   0.002  25.083

Async Log Record Destinations: How?

  • create a local, disk-based storage for the message queue via txtq
  • start a background process for the async execution of the message queue with callr
  • loads minimum required packages in the background process
  • connects to the message queue from the background process
  • pass actual appender function to the background process (serialized to disk)
  • pass parameters of the async appender to the background process (eg batch size)
  • start infinite loop processing log records
  • check if background process still works …

Async Log Record Destinations: Setup

Optionally log what’s happening in the background:

log_threshold(TRACE, namespace = 'async_logger')
log_appender(appender_console, namespace = 'async_logger')

Start the async appender in a background process:

t <- tempfile()
log_info('Logging in the background to {t}')
#> TRACE [2019-09-18 02:57:11] Logging in the background to /tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff7f4617d4

my_appender <- appender_async(appender_file_slow(file = t))
#> TRACE [2019-09-18 02:57:11] Async writer storage: /tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff6bf714c2
#> TRACE [2019-09-18 02:57:11] Async writer PID: 29378
#> TRACE [2019-09-18 02:57:11] Async appender cached at: /tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff7a2ebfc5

Async Log Record Destinations: Usage

log_info('Was this slow?')
system.time(for (i in 1:25) log_info(i))
#>   user  system elapsed
#>   0.02    0.00    0.02
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] Was this slow?"
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] Was this slow?"
#> [2] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 1"
#> [3] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 2"
#> [4] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 3"
#> [5] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 4"
#> [6] "INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 5"

Async Log Record Destinations: Debug

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_queue')$count()
#> [1] 0

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_queue')$log()
#>               title                                   message                                 time
#> 1  1568768232.15263 INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] Was this slow? 2019-09-18 02:57:12.152517 +0200 GMT
#> 2  1568768232.22928              INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 1 2019-09-18 02:57:12.229222 +0200 GMT
#> 3  1568768232.23001              INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 2 2019-09-18 02:57:12.229957 +0200 GMT
#> 4   1568768232.2307              INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 3 2019-09-18 02:57:12.230646 +0200 GMT
#> 5  1568768232.23142              INFO [2019-09-18 02:57:12] 4 2019-09-18 02:57:12.231366 +0200 GMT

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_process')$get_pid()
#> [1] 29378

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_process')$get_state()
#> [1] "busy"

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_process')$poll_process(1)
#> [1] "timeout"

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_process')$read()

attr(my_appender, 'async_writer_process')$is_alive()
#> [1] TRUE

A logger Definition

  • log threshold
  • log message formatter
  • log record layout
  • log record destination(s)

A logger Definition

  • log threshold(s)
  • log message formatter(s)
  • log record layout(s)
  • log record destination(s)

Namespaces: What Goes Where?


my_appender <- appender_async(appender_slack(channel = '#foobar', token = '...'))
log_appender(my_appender, namespace = 'slack')
log_threshold(WARN, namespace = 'slack')
#> INFO [2019-09-19 06:15:22] foo

log_error('bar', namespace = 'slack')

Namespaces: R Packages

R packages using logger automatically gets their own namespace, so eg dbr using logger can be silenced by

log_threshold(FATAL, namespace = 'dbr')

Namespaces: Stacking


log_appender(appender_file(file = '/var/log/myapp.log'), index = 2)
log_threshold(TRACE, index = 2)

my_appender <- appender_async(appender_slack(channel = '#foobar', token = '...'))
log_appender(my_appender, index = 3)
log_threshold(ERROR, index = 3)
#> INFO [2019-09-19 06:15:22] foo
#> [1] "INFO [2019-09-19 06:15:22] foo"  "DEBUG [2019-09-19 06:15:22] bar"

Slack: 🙊

Helper functions

Source: When we ship a quickfix in a hurry

Helper functions

f <- sqrt
g <- mean
x <- 1:31
log_eval(f(g(x)), level = INFO)
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:38:17] 'f(g(x))' => '4'
#> [1] 4
#> [1] "foobar"

#> ERROR [2019-09-19 04:39:27] object 'foobar' not found
#> Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) :
#>   object 'foobar' not found

Helper functions: tic-toc logging

log_tictoc('warming up')
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:38:56] global timer tic 0 secs -- warming up
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:38:57] global timer toc 1.21 secs -- running
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:38:59] global timer toc 1.31 secs -- running
log_tictoc('and running')
#> INFO [2019-09-19 04:39:00] global timer toc 1.43 secs -- and running

Helper functions: auto-capture messages

message('hi there')
#> hi there
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:41:29] hi there
for (i in 1:5) {
#> WARN [2019-09-19 05:41:32] 1
#> WARN [2019-09-19 05:41:33] 2
#> WARN [2019-09-19 05:41:33] 3
#> WARN [2019-09-19 05:41:34] 4
#> WARN [2019-09-19 05:41:34] 5
#> ERROR [2019-09-19 05:41:37] foobar
#> Error: foobar

Helper functions: Shiny apps

ui <- bootstrapPage(
    numericInput('mean', 'mean', 0),
    numericInput('sd', 'sd', 1),
    textInput('title', 'title', 'title'),
server <- function(input, output) {
    output$plot <- renderPlot({
        hist(rnorm(1e3, input$mean, input$sd), main = input$title)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Helper functions: Shiny apps

Listening on
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:17] Default Shiny inputs initialized: {"mean":0,"title":"title","sd":1}
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:26] Shiny input change detected on mean: 0 -> 1
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 1 -> 2
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 2 -> 3
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 3 -> 4
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 4 -> 5
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 5 -> 6
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:27] Shiny input change detected on mean: 6 -> 7
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 1 -> 2
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 2 -> 3
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 3 -> 4
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 4 -> 5
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 5 -> 6
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:29] Shiny input change detected on sd: 6 -> 7
INFO [2019-07-11 16:59:34] Shiny input change detected on title: title -> sfdsadsads

Using logger in R packages

Source: DBA Reactions

Using logger in botor

my_mtcars <- s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv', read.csv)
#> DEBUG [2019-09-19 04:46:57] Downloaded 1303 bytes from s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv
#> and saved at '/tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff42ed2fe1'
log_threshold(TRACE, namespace = 'botor')
my_mtcars <- s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv.gz',
                     read.csv, extract = 'gzip')
#> TRACE [2019-09-19 04:48:02] Downloading s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv.gz to
#> '/tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff17e137e9' ...
#> DEBUG [2019-09-19 04:48:03] Downloaded 567 bytes from s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv.gz
#> and saved at '/tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff17e137e9'
#> TRACE [2019-09-19 04:48:03] Decompressed /tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff17e137e9 via gzip
#> from 567 to 1303 bytes
#> TRACE [2019-09-19 04:48:03] Deleted /tmp/RtmpLW4bY4/file63ff17e137e9

Not … using logger in botor

log_threshold(ERROR, namespace = 'botor')
my_mtcars <- s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv.gz',
                     read.csv, extract = 'gzip')
my_mtcars <- with_log_threshold(
    expressions = s3_read('s3://botor/example-data/mtcars.csv.gz',
                          read.csv, extract = 'gzip'),
    threshold = ERROR,
    namespace = 'botor')

Why … using dbr

con <- dbConnect(
    dbname = "shinydemo",
    host = "",
    username = "guest",
    password = "guest")

query <- dbSendQuery(
    "SELECT Continent, COUNT(DISTINCT(Region)) FROM Country GROUP BY Continent")
res <- dbFetch(query)


Spot the issues in the above code block!

Why … using dbr

“When I woke up the next morning, I had four emails and a missed phone call from Amazon AWS – something about 140 servers running on my AWS account, mining Bitcoin.” – Andrew Hoffman
  TO_HEX(CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES([0xac, num2, num3, num4])) AS nonce
  UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 255)) num2,
  UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 255)) num3,
  '000000204a4ef98461ee26898076e6a2cfc7c764d02b5f8d670832000000000000000000f99f5c4d5025979fcb33d245536a55b628d4564c075c0210cbbc941ad79fdbc5e491b55a494a5117'), CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES([0xac, num2, num3, num4]) ))))) LIKE '000000000000000000%'

Source: How to mine Bitcoin on Google’s BigQuery

Using logger in dbr

  drv: !expr RSQLite::SQLite()
  dbname: !expr tempfile()
str(db_query('SELECT 42', 'sqlite'))

#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] Connecting to sqlite
#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] Executing:**********
#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] SELECT 42
#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] ********************
#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] Finished in 0.0007429 secs returning 1 rows
#> INFO [2018-07-11 17:07:12] Closing connection to sqlite

#> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  1 variable:
#>  $ 42: int 42
#>  - attr(*, "when")= POSIXct, format: "2018-07-11 17:07:12"
#>  - attr(*, "db")= chr "sqlite"
#>  - attr(*, "time_to_exec")=Class 'difftime'  atomic [1:1] 0.000743
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "units")= chr "secs"
#>  - attr(*, "statement")= chr "SELECT 42"

Using logger in dbr

    drv: !expr RMySQL::MySQL()
    username: guest
    password: guest
    dbname: shinydemo
  drv: !expr RMySQL::MySQL()
  host: !kms |
  username: !kms |
  password: !kms |
  dbname: shinydemo

Using logger in dbr

    sql = "SELECT Continent, COUNT(DISTINCT(Region)) FROM Country GROUP BY Continent",
    db = 'shinydemo')

#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:30] Looking up config for shinydemo

#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:30] Decrypting string via KMS ...
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:30] Decrypting string via KMS ...
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:31] Decrypting string via KMS ...

#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:31] Connecting to shinydemo
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:32] Executing:**********
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:32] SELECT Continent, COUNT(DISTINCT(Region)) FROM Country GROUP BY Continent
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:32] ********************
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:32] Finished in 0.2213 secs returning 7 rows
#> INFO [2019-09-19 05:02:32] Closing connection to shinydemo
#>        Continent COUNT(DISTINCT(Region))
#> 1:          Asia                       4
#> 2:        Europe                       6
#> 3: North America                       3
#> 4:        Africa                       5
#> 5:       Oceania                       5
#> 6:    Antarctica                       1
#> 7: South America                       1

Using logger in parallel processes calling dbr

> system.time(db_config('shinydemo'))
   user  system elapsed 
  3.359   0.092   5.236 
> system.time(db_config('shinydemo'))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.001   0.000   0.001 

It’s not caching the connection this time, only the credentials.

> db_config_invalidate_cache()
INFO [2018-07-12 03:03:38] Invalidating cache on already loaded DB config(s)

Using logger in parallel processes calling dbr

> parallel::mclapply(1:16, function(i) db_query("SELECT 42", "sqlite"), mc.cores = 8)
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.001053 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.005117 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.003497 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.0008972 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.00947 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.001237 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Finished in 0.001038 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:04] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.0009949 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.001511 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.001259 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.001187 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.03187 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.009078 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.0009627 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Connecting to sqlite 
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Executing:**********
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] SELECT 42
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] ********************
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.0007973 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Finished in 0.0007989 secs returning 1 rows
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite
INFO [2018-07-12 03:05:05] Closing connection to sqlite



Thanks to System1 for the support while working on these packages:

Thanks everyone! Happy logging!